Nikki Sachdecha

Nikki Sachdecha


Nikki Sachdecha specializes in Intellectual Property Law, managing complex trademark cases, and excelling in AI, Privacy, and Cybersecurity Law.

Nikki Sachdecha's Experience

Nikki Sachdecha has over two years of experience in Intellectual Property Law, with a particular focus on managing complex trademark cases for high-profile clients. Known for her meticulous attention to detail and exceptional organizational skills, Nikki consistently delivers outstanding results.

Nikki began her legal education at Thammasat University in Bangkok, Thailand, where she graduated with second-class honors with her Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) degree. She further earned a Master of Laws (LL.M) degree in Technology Law and Policy from Georgetown University, where she specialized in cutting-edge courses including AI and the Law, Privacy Law, Cybersecurity, Law of Robots, Fintech Law and Federal Advocacy in Technology Law and Policy.

What sets Nikki apart is not just her impressive academic background and professional skills in legal research, writing, and document drafting, but also her compassionate and ethical approach to the practice of law. Driven by a genuine desire to help others, Nikki believes in the transformative power of the law to create a better world. Her dedication to her clients and her proactive efforts to enhance the legal landscape make her a trusted and invaluable advocate.

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